Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Louis Gallait
The abdication of Emperor Charles V in favor of his son Philip II . At Brussels…
Master of the von Groote Adoration
The Adoration of the Magi
Johann Andreas Herrlein; attributed
Aeneas Arriving in Latium
Henri Edmond Cross
Afternoon in the Garden
Christian Wink
Allegory: Truth Defeating the Heretical Doctrines
Giorgio Sommer
Amalfi: Valle dei Mulini
Barbara Klemm
Andrej Sinjawskij, Paris
Barbara Klemm
Andy Warhol, Frankfurt
Macrino d'Alba
The Annuciation to St Joachim
Barbara Klemm
Anselm Kiefer, Paris
Barbara Klemm
Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona
Wolfgang Tillmans
Arkadia I
Pieter Bout
The Beach at Scheveningen with Returning Fisherman
Hans Volger
Bengt von Rosen, Bauhaus Weimar
Will McBride
Bernauer Straße Berlin
Marie-Louise von Motesiczky
Bildnis Benno Reifenberg
German Master of the First Third of the 18th Century; ?
Bildnis eines jungen Mannes
Gustav Seitz
Bildnis Käthe Kollwitz
Barbara Klemm
Blinky Palermo, Darmstadt
Jan Victors
Boaz assumes the Legacy of Elimelech
Erich Salomon
The Boxer Max Schmeling at a Training Camp near New York
Lotte Laserstein
Boy with Kasper Puppet…
Johann Conrad Seekatz
A Break in the Fighting
David Ryckaert III
A Butcher Offering a Woman a Glass of Beer
Friedrich Nerly
The Canal Grande in Venice with a View of Santa Maria della Salute
Barbara Klemm
Candida Höfer, Köln
Erich Salomon
The cellist Pablo Casals in concert in Munich
In the Charterhouse of Pavia…
Master of the Passion Panels
Christ Being Nailed to the Cross
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Christ Blessing the Children
Christian Stöcklin
Church Interior
Auguste Renoir
Pieter Jacobsz. Codde
Company of Music-Makers
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
The Continence of Scipio
Jacob Hilsdorf
Cosima Wagner
Hans Schäufelein; circle
The Crucifixion
Master of the Turin Crucifixion
The Crucifixion of Christ
Rob Scholte
De schreeuw
Adriaen van de Velde
Deer Hunt in a Swampy Forest Landscape
German (Franconian?) Master around 1750
Departure for the Flight into Egypt
style of David Teniers the Younger
A Doctor Examining a Urine Specimen in his Study
Giacomo Francesco Cipper called Il Todeschini
Domestic Scene with Musicians and Woman Spinning
Joseph Kowarzik
Doppelbildnis: Josef und Pauline Kowarzik
Karl von Pidoll
Double Portrait of Heinrich Pallmann and Heinrich Weizsaecker
Heinrich Jacob Tischbein; ?
Double Portrait of Johann Georg von Holzhausen…
Conrad Faber von Kreuznach
Double Portrait of Justinian von Holzhausen and His Wife Anna…
Francisco de Goya
A dwarf
Karl Caspar
Ein Bäumchen wird gepflanzt
Pietro Donzelli
Emigranti alla Stazione di Roma
Albrecht Dürer
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Barbara Klemm
Eremitage, Leningrad, UdSSR
Simon Fujiwara
Fabulous Beasts (Winter's Tale)
Petrus Christus
The Falconer
Max Beckmann
The Family
Jacques Muller, Jacob Gerritsz. Bemmel
The Family of Preacher Reinier Halma in Langerak on the Lek
Arthur Rothstein
Farmer and sons walking in face of dust storm. Cimarron county…
Auguste Barthélemy Glaize
Faust and Mephisto with Gretchen and Frau Marthe in the garden
Hugo Erfurth
Felix Thiel (Cloth manufacturer)
Jackson Pollock
Jan Steen
The Fish Market at Leyden
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Loggia de' Lanzi…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: S. Lorenzo, Chapel of the Princes…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: S. Miniato Church…
Adriaen Brouwer
The Foot Operation
Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael
Forest Path with People Strolling
Adam Elsheimer
The Frankfurt Altarpiece of the Exaltation of the True Cross
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Gisèle Freund
Frankfurt am Main, 1. Mai 1931
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Bleidenstrasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Entrance to the Cronstettisches Stift from the garden and stairway to the side wing…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Grosse Eschenheimer Gasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Library room at the Cronstettisches Stift with court Counsellor Dr. Sömmering and Provost von Lersner…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Portrait of Justina Katharina Steffan von Cronstett…
Édouard Manet
A Game of Croquet
Johann Lorenz Müller; zugeschrieben
Genealogical Tree of Maria Justina and Johann Maximilian zum Jungen
Barbara Klemm
Georg Baselitz, Schloß Derneburg
Willy Maywald
Georges Braque (in seinem Atelier Rue du Douanier in Paris…
Barbara Klemm
Gotthard Graubner, Hombroich
Barbara Klemm
Gum, Moskau, UdSSR
Jonathan Meese
Hagen von Tronje
Eugène Delacroix
Hamlet and Horatio at the Cemetery
Victor Müller
Hamlet and Horatio in the Churchyard
Raphael, Raphael; workshop
The Handing Over of the Pandects
Hugo Erfurth
Hans Thoma
Hugo Erfurth
Hans Thoma
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta
Head of a Bishop in Profile
Anthony van Dyck; succession
Head of a Black African
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Head of an Old Man
Albert Ebert
Heizers Geburtstagsständchen
Willy Maywald
Henri Matisse (in seinem Garten in Vence…
Josef Scharl
Master of the Holy Blood
The Holy Kinship
Arnold Böcklin
The Honeymoon
Friedrich Wilhelm Hirt
A Hunting Party at the Edge of a Forest
Max Beckmann
The Ideologists
Felix H. Man
„Igor Strawinsky“
Barbara Klemm
Ilja Kabakov, Frankfurt a.M.
Richard Hamilton
I'm dreaming of a black Christmas
Richard Hamilton
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Richard Hamilton
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Johann Ludwig Ernst Morgenstern
Interior of a Baroque Church
Anthonie de Lorme, Anthonie Palamedesz.
Interior of a Church Built in the Late-Renaissance Style
Johann Ludwig Ernst Morgenstern
Interior of a Gothic Church
Pieter Neefs the Younger, Bonaventura Peeters the Elder
Interior of a Gothic Church by Candlelight
Thomas Wijck
Italian Landscape with Figures at a Fountain among Antique Ruins
Hugo Erfurth
Jacob Cremer
Dennis Stock
James Dean at the old Schoolhouse of Fairmount
Dennis Stock
James Dean on Times Square
Dennis Stock
James Dean at Winslow Farm posing as an old Star Portrait with a Sow
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Jan Six' bridge
Atelier Bloudilová (Bohumila Bloudilová)
Jaromír Funke
Edvard Munch
Barbara Klemm
Jeff Wall, Frankfurt
Barbara Klemm
Jonathan Meese, Frankfurt
Barbara Klemm
Julian Schnabel, Frankfurt
Barbara Klemm
Karl Otto Götz, Wolfenacker
Hugo Erfurth
Kostümstudie (Helene Erfurth, Ehefrau des Fotografen)
Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem
The Lamentation
Albrecht Dürer
The Landscape with the Cannon
Jacques d' Arthois
Landscape with a Group of Trees at the Shore of a Lake…
David Teniers the Younger
Landscape with Milkmaid and Shepherd
Max Beckmann
The Last Ones