Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Louis Gallait
The abdication of Emperor Charles V in favor of his son Philip II . At Brussels…
Sienese Master ca. 1430
The Abduction of Helen
Hermann Wilhelm Vogel
Abend (bei Bellevue)
Francisco de Goya; ?
Act of Violence against Two Women
Gaudenzio Ferrari
The Adoration of the Christ Child
Venetian Master 18th century
The Adoration of the Golden Calf
The Adoration of the Magi
Albrecht Altdorfer
The Adoration of the Magi
Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1400
The Adoration of the Magi
Dutch Master from the End of the 15th Century
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Jacob Jordaens
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Januarius Zick
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Johann Andreas Herrlein; attributed
Aeneas Arriving in Latium
Sherrie Levine
After Edgar Degas
Auguste Renoir
After the Luncheon
Henri Edmond Cross
Afternoon in the Garden
Paolo Veronese
Allegory of "Benifico"
Giorgio Sommer
Amalfi: Valle dei Mulini
Édouard Baldus
Amiens: "Portrail de la Vierge" on the West Facade of the Cathedral
Older Master of the Aachen Wardrobe Doors
The Angel and Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre
Lucas van Valckenborch
Animals Grazing beneath Trees
Master of the Pfullendorf Altar, Bartholomäus Zeitblom; workshop ?
The Annunciation
Francesco Capella called Il Daggiù
The Annunciation
Albrecht Dürer
Apocalipsis cum figuris, Titelblatt der 1511 veröffentlichen lateinischen Ausgabe der Apokalypse…
Moritz von Schwind
Apparition in the Forest…
Pietro Antonio Magatti; attributed
The Appearance of a Female Martyr…
Philips Wouwerman
Armed Riders in Front of an Inn
Sienese Master ca. 1430
Arrival of Helen in Troy
Otto Dix
The Artist’s Family
Lovis Corinth
The Artist’s Father in his Sickbed
Guido Reni
Assumption of the Virgin
Johann Georg Bergmüller
Assumption of the Virgin
Giacomo Francia, Giulio Francia
The Assumption of the Virgin with Saint John the Baptist…
Francisco de Goya; ?
Attack on a Woman
Henri Rousseau
The Avenue in Saint-Cloud Park
Giulio Carpioni the Elder
A Bacchanal
Johann Heinrich Ramberg
Ball Game in Rome
Maurice Denis
The Bathers
Beach dress. Model: Roeckl
Jakob Nussbaum
On the Beach at Port Said
Girolamo di Benvenuto
The Bearing of the Cross…
Gustav Seitz
Bildnis Käthe Kollwitz
Lynn Hershman Leeson
Binocular Vision, from the series "Phantom Limbs"
David Teniers the Elder; ?
The Birth of Adonis
Karl Hofer
The Blind Man and the Girl
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
The Blinding of Samson
Édouard Vuillard
At the Board Game
Jan Victors
Boaz assumes the Legacy of Elimelech
Maurice Denis
The Brunswick Monogrammist
Brothel Scene
Hermann Wilhelm Vogel
Brücke (beim Königsdenkmal)
David Ryckaert III
A Butcher Offering a Woman a Glass of Beer
Henri Evenepoel
In the Café d'Harcourt in Paris
Friedrich Nerly
The Canal Grande in Venice with a View of Santa Maria della Salute
James Winthrop Holcombe
Capri: Two little girls under a vine arbour
Johann Anton Ramboux
Capuchin Sermon at the Colosseum of Rome
Käthe Kollwitz
The Carmagnole
Lovis Corinth
“Carmencita”, Portrait of Charlotte Berend-Corinth in Spanish Dress
Italian Master 18th century
Ceiling design: The Virgin Mary Handing a Rosary to a Nun
Käthe Kollwitz
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
In the Charterhouse of Pavia…
Édouard Baldus
Chartres: Royal portal of the cathedral
David Ryckaert III; circle
Children's Wedding
Claude Lorrain
Christ Appears in front of Mary Magdalene…
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Christ Blessing the Children
Sisto Badalocchio
Christ with the Samaritan Woman at the Well
Christian Stöcklin
Church Interior
Max Beckmann
Circus Caravan
Xaver Fuhr
Albrecht Dürer
Coat of Arms with a Skull
Bisson Frères
Cologne: The south facade of the cathedral under construction
Anthonie Palamedesz.
Company of Music-Makers
Pieter Jacobsz. Codde
Company of Music-Makers
Jean-Honoré Fragonard
The Competition/Children's Scene: Contest or Instruction in Reading
Johann Georg Trautmann
Conflagration at Night
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
The Continence of Scipio
Nicolas van Haeften
Cook Cleaning Vegetables
Rhenish Master ca. 1330
Coronation and Death of the Virgin
Lucchese Master ca. 1460
The Coronation of the Virgin
Nuremberg Master ca. 1350/60
The Coronation of the Virgin…
Jacob Hilsdorf
Cosima Wagner
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller
Countess Dimitri Tatischeff
August Sander
Country Girls
Fernand Léger
The Country Outing
Dutch Master around 1620
Country Scene with Milkmaid and Children Playing with Armour…
Matthew Barney
CREMASTER 2: The Ectoplasm
Hans Schäufelein; circle
The Crucifixion
Hans Mielich; workshop
The Crucifixion
Florentine School second half of the 15th century
The Crucifixion
Lucas Cranach the Elder
The Crucifixion
Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420
The Crucifixion
Master of the Turin Crucifixion
The Crucifixion of Christ
Master of Frankfurt
The Crucifixion of Christ
Frankfurt Master ca. 1500, Hans Kaldenbach; workshop ?
The Crucifixion with Donor Portraits of Wigand Märkel and His Family
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
The Crucifixion, the Nativity and Saints
Master of Frankfurt
Crucifixion Triptych of the Humbracht Family of Frankfurt
Hans Bock the Elder
Dance around the Statue of Venus
Hugo Erfurth
The Dancer Ellen Tels
Lotte Jacobi
The Dancer Ines Wellin
Sasha and Cami Stone
The Dancer Tatjana Barbakoff…
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Dancing Couple
Albrecht Dürer
Das babylonische Weib, aus der Folge der Apokalypse…
Albrecht Dürer
Das Fräulein zu Pferd und der Landsknecht
Albrecht Dürer
Das Sonnenweib und der siebenköpfige Drache…
French Master 17th century; ?
David and Bathsheba
Albrecht Dürer
Death and the Lovers
Johann Andreas Herrlein; attributed
The Death of Priam
Master of the Pfullendorf Altar, Bartholomäus Zeitblom; workshop ?
The Death of the Virgin
Cologne Master around 14170/80
Decapitation of St Catherine
Johann Georg Trautmann
The Decapitation of St John the Baptist
Master of the Eggenburg Altar
The Decapitation of St John the Baptist
Adam Elsheimer
The Deluge
German (Franconian?) Master around 1750
Departure for the Flight into Egypt
Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420
Deposition and Entombment of Christ
Carl Philipp Fohr
Designs for a triptych with scenes from the Song of the Nibelungs
Jan van den Hoecke; ?
Dido and Aeneas
Albrecht Dürer
Die Apokalypse, Urausgabe Deutsch 1498
Albrecht Dürer
Die apokalyptischen Reiter, aus der Folge der Apokalypse…
Gustav Seitz
Die glückliche Amme
style of David Teniers the Younger
A Doctor Examining a Urine Specimen in his Study
Giacomo Francesco Cipper called Il Todeschini
Domestic Scene with Musicians and Woman Spinning
Max Beckmann
Double Portrait
Heinrich Jacob Tischbein; ?
Double Portrait of Johann Georg von Holzhausen…
Conrad Faber von Kreuznach
Double Portrait of Justinian von Holzhausen and His Wife Anna…
Otto Schmidt
Dresden. The Altmarkt with the town hall
copy after Bernardo Bellotto
Dresden Neustadt with a View Towards the North
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Echiniadzin - Erevan
Alessandro Gherardini; ?
The Education of the Virgin