The Crucifixion, Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420
Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420
The Crucifixion
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Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420

The Crucifixion, ca. 1420

186.4 x 168.6 x 1.4 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on fir
Inventory Number
HM 1
On permanent loan from Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main since 1922
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 3


About the Work

The main panel of the winged altarpiece features the Crucifixion. At the centre of the crowded scene is the crucifix, clasped by Mary Magdalene, before it a group with the unconscious Virgin and St Veronica. The latter presents the sudarium to the onlookers kneeling in the right foreground. Their pious devotion supplies the retable viewer with “instructions for use”. Split into two in the nineteenth century, the wings are not extant in their entirety. The inner sides show further scenes from the Passion; of the paintings on the outer sides, only the Visitation has survived.


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