Christ Appears in front of Mary Magdalene (Noli me tangere), Claude Lorrain
Claude Lorrain
Christ Appears in front of Mary Magdalene (Noli me tangere)
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Claude Lorrain

Christ Appears in front of Mary Magdalene (Noli me tangere), 1681

84.9 x 141.1 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1912 with funds provided by Carl Schaub-Stiftung
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 11


About the Work

Claude Lorrain is renowned for his light-suffused paintings of ideal landscapes with figures. He executed this work in 1681 for the Roman cardinal Fabrizio Spada. Depicted in the foreground is the risen Christ appearing on Easter morning to Mary Magdalene. With the words “Noli me tangere” (“Touch me not”), he keeps her from approaching him. On the right, the other two Marys can be seen with the angel in front of Christ’s empty tomb. Here, the biblical subject provides, above all, a welcome occasion for a well-wrought and extensive ideal landscape.

About the Acquisition

In 1905 Carl Schaub, who lived in Frankfurt's Westend district, created a foundation which was to inherit his fortune of about one million marks. In agreement with the Städel administration, the foundation's advisory board was to use the interest to purchase art for the museum. According to the records of Dr. Alexander Berg, the lawyer entrusted with the task and an administrator at the Städel, after he had signed his will Schaub formally expressed his thanks as a donor and wished all the best for the future. During the following night, on 21 June 1905, the fifty-four-year-old Schaub took his own life. Even before the First World War, the interest from the foundation enabled the Städel to purchase pictures by Claude Lorrain and Tintoretto. Today the works purchased with the funds from the Carl Schaub Foundation are primarily destined for the Graphische Sammlung.

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  • Focus on Frankfurt
  • Focus on religion
ASK AN ARTWORK – Fragen an die Kunst, Antworten aus dem Home Office: Claude Lorrain #StaydelAtHome
Ein Wunder! Jesus ist von den Toten auferstanden und Maria Magdalena die erste Zeugin. Aber wieso sind die Hauptdarsteller dieses Gemäldes nur so klein? Und warum sieht Jesus wie ein Gärtner aus? In der Serie ASK AN ARTWORK beantwortet die Kunsthistorikerin Anna Huber (Mitarbeiterin der Abteilung Bildung und Vermittlung) aus dem Home Office Fragen, die wir an die Kunst haben. Denn während der Coronakrise kommt das Städel zu Ihnen, auch an den Feiertagen: #StaydelAtHome Findet Claude Lorrains Werk "Landschaft mit Christus, der Maria Magdalene erscheint" in der Digitalen Sammlung: It's a miracle! Jesus has risen from the dead and Mary Magdalene is the first witness to the impossible. But how come the main protagonists in this painting are so small, that you almost have to search for them like hidden Easter eggs? And why does Jesus look like a gardener? In the series ASK AN ARTWORK art historian Anna Huber (Educational Department of the Städel Museum) answers the questions that we have for art – from home office. Because during the Corona-Crisis, if you can’t come to the Städel Museum, then the Städel Museum will come to you: #StaydelAtHome Find Claude Lorrain's "Christ Appears in front of Mary Magdalene" in our Digital Collection:

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