Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Hans Holbein the Elder
Portrait of a Member of the Weiss Family of Augsburg
Hans Holbein the Elder
Hans Holbein the Younger
Portrait of Simon George of Cornwall
Hans Holbein the Elder
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Hans Holbein the Elder
Christ before Pontius Pilate
Hans Holbein the Younger
Ship with Revelling Sailors…
Hans Holbein the Elder
Christ’s Arrest
Hans Holbein the Elder
Hans Holbein the Elder
The Cleansing of the Temple
Hans Holbein the Elder
Christ Washing St Peter's Feet
Hans Holbein the Elder
The Last Supper
Hans Holbein the Elder
The Entry into Jerusalem
Hans Holbein the Elder
The Agony in the Garden
Hans Holbein the Elder
Ecce Homo
Hans Holbein the Elder
Bearing of the Cross…
Hans Holbein the Elder
Tree of Jesse
Hans Holbein the Elder
Lineage of the Dominican Order
Hans Holbein the Elder
High Altar of the Dominican Church in Frankfurt…
Hans Holbein the Elder
Lineage of the Dominican Order
Hans Holbein the Elder
Exterior Wings of the Frankfurt Dominican Altarpiece
Hans Holbein the Elder
Predella of the High Altarpiece of the Dominican Church in Frankfurt
Hans Holbein the Elder
Inside of the Outer Wings…
Hans Holbein the Elder
High Altar of the Dominican Church in Frankfurt
Friedrich Overbeck
The Triumph of Religion in the Arts
Martin Kaldenbach
Portrait of Jakob Stralenberger
Albrecht Dürer
Portrait of Ulrich Varnbüler
Quentin Massys
Portrait of a Scholar
Barthel Beham
Portrait of Hans Urmiller and his Son
Girolamo da Carpi; ?
Portrait of a Lady
Master of the Stalburg Portraits
The Virgin Mary Mourning
Master of the Stalburg Portraits
Portrait of Claus Stalburg…
Master of the Stalburg Portraits
Portrait of Margarete Stalburg…
Master of the Stalburg Portraits
Christ as Man of Sorrows
Master of the Stalburg Portraits
Wings of an Altarpiece from the Private Chapel of the Stalburg in Frankfurt