73D352the crowning with thorns: soldiers with sticks place a thorny crown on Christ's head and give him a reed (Matthew 27:27-31; Mark 15:16-20; John 19:2-3)
73E12Christ, usually holding a banner, arises from the grave; often combined with sleeping and/or frightened soldiers
73EE123Christ stepping out of the tomb - EE - the tomb closed (with unbroken seals)
73E23angel(s) addressing the holy women ~ Resurrection of Christ
73D323Christ before Pontius Pilate (Matthew 27:11-26; Mark 15:2-15; Luke 23:2-7, 23:13-25; John 18:28 - 19:16)
73D41carrying of the cross: Christ bearing the cross, alone or with the help of others (e.g. Simon the Cyrenian)
11H(JOHN)the apostle John the Evangelist; possible attributes: book, cauldron, chalice with snake, eagle, palm, scroll