Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Édouard Baldus
Abbeville, Saint Wulfram parish church…
Johann Anton Ramboux
Abbildungen vom Deckel eines Evangeliars…
Master of the Friedrich Altar; workshop
The Agony in the Garden
Albrecht Dürer
Agony in the Garden
Jacopo Bassano; succession
The Agony in the Garden
Albrecht Dürer
Agony in the Garden
Upper Rhine, 15th century
Agony in the Garden
Paul Troger
Agony in the Garden
Karl Gottlob Schönherr
Agony in the Garden
Ferdinand Fellner
Agony in the Garden
Ferdinand Fellner
Agony in the Garden
Girolamo Muziano; ?
Agony in the Garden
Tintoretto; ?
Agony in the Garden
Hans Thoma
Agony in the Garden
Nuremberg Master of the Altarpiece of the Virgin
The Agony in the Garden
Hans Holbein the Elder
The Agony in the Garden
Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420
Agony in the Garden and Arrest of Christ
Netherlandish, 18th century
Allegorie, oben Christus das Kreuz tragend…
Denis Calvaert
Allegorische Darstellung des kreuztragenden Christus…
Swiss, 16th century
Allegory of redemption
Johann Anton Ramboux
Altar in der Domkirche zu Bolsena…
Johann Anton Ramboux
Altar in der Klosterkirche Monte l'Abbate…
Johann Anton Ramboux
Altar in der Klosterkirche Monte l'Abbate aus dem 15. Jahrhundert
Meo da Siena; and workshop
Altar retable painted on both sides with Christ Enthroned…
Johann Baptist Zimmermann
Altarentwurf hinter Säulenbogen (Hochaltar in Andechs)
Johann Baptist Straub
Altarentwurf: Je zwei glatte Säulen tragen den Auszug mit Gottvater und Engeln…
Hans Mettel
Hans Mettel
Georg Andreas Fischer; ?
Altarriss (Oberteil) mit Marienkrönung
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Andrea di Cione
Altartafel in der Kapelle Strozzi in Santa Maria Novella in Florenz…
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Altartisch mit Kruzifix neben der Justinuskirche in Höchst
Sebastiano Ricci; ?
Anbetung der Heiligen drei Könige
Hendrik Goudt
Anbetung der Könige und Kreuztragung
Jacopo Palma il Giovane
Angel Pietà
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Anthony the Abbot Kissing the Crucifix
Gaspare Diziani
Apotheose der heiligen Dominikaner
François Verdier
Appointing of the apostles
Annibale Carracci; ?, Lelio Orsi
Arma Christi
Hendrik Goudt
Arma Christi
Hendrik Goudt
Arma Christi
Hendrik Goudt
Arma Christi
Rhenish Master ca. 1330
Arrest of Jesus, Crucifixion…
Johann Georg Bergmüller
Assumption of the Virgin
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Giunta Pisano; ?
Auf einer der oberen Wände des Querschiffs der oberen Kirche von San Francesco in Assisi
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Lo Spagna
Auferstehung Christi, nach einem Fresko in der Cappella di San Francesco in Santuario Madonna delle Lacrime bei Trevi
Peter Paul Rubens; ?
Auferstehung Christi in starker Untersicht
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Cimabue
Aus dem Langschiff der oberen Kirche von San Francesco in Assisi
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Cimabue
Aus dem Langschiff der oberen Kirche von San Francesco in Assisi
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Cimabue
Aus dem Langschiff der oberen Kirche von San Francesco in Assisi
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Cimabue
Aus dem Langschiff der oberen Kirche von San Francesco in Assisi
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Cimabue
Aus dem Langschiff der oberen Kirche von San Francesco in Assisi
Johann Anton Ramboux
Aus dem Leben des heiligen Antonius des Einsiedlers…
Johann Anton Ramboux
Aus den Choralbüchern in San Pietro in Gubbio
Johann Anton Ramboux
Aus den Chorbüchern zu San Gimignano
Johann Anton Ramboux
Aus den Chorbüchern zu San Gimignano
Johann Anton Ramboux
Aus einem Missale, welches zum Gebrauch am Altar des Heiligen Ludwig in der San Francesco zu Assisi diente
Johann Anton Ramboux
Aus einem Missale, welches zum Gebrauch am Altar des Heiligen Ludwig in der San Francesco zu Assisi diente
Paulus Juvenel
The Baptism of Christ
Veneto-Byzantine Master 15th century; ?
The Baptism of Christ
Adam Grimmer
Baptism of Christ
Aert Claesz
Baptism of Christ
Pietro Perugino; circle, Berto di Giovanni; ?
Baptism of Christ
Jacob de Wit
The baptism of Christ
Martin Johann Schmidt called Kremser-Schmidt
Baptism of Christ
Italian, 18th century
Baptism of Christ
Dutch Master around 1510, after Rogier van der Weyden
Baptism of Christ
Giovanni Battista Crespi called Il Cerano
The Baptism of Christ
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Baptism of Christ in the Jordan
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Baptism of Christ in the Jordan
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Baptism of Christ in the Jordan
Albrecht Dürer; workshop, Hans Baldung Grien; ?
Bearing of the Cross
Carl Adalbert Hermann
Bearing of the Cross
Master of the Hersbruck High Altar; workshop
Bearing of the Cross
German, 16th century
Bearing of the cross
Upper Rhine, 14th century
Bearing of the cross
Edme Bouchardon, Edme Bouchardon; succession ?
Bearing of the Cross
Gaspare Diziani
Bearing of the cross
Pierre Subleyras
Bearing of the Cross
Hendrik Goudt
Bearing of the Cross
Hendrik Goudt
Bearing of the cross
Hendrik Goudt
Bearing of the Cross
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Puccio Capanna
Bearing of the Cross
Girolamo di Benvenuto
The Bearing of the Cross…
Hans Holbein the Elder
Bearing of the Cross…
Johann Anton Ramboux
Bemaltes Kruzifixus aus Holz über der Eingangstür in San Sebastiano in Arezzo
Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner
Berufung des Zöllners Matthäus
Johann Erdmann Gottlieb Prestel
Beweinung Christi mit Maria…
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Bildwerk eines Christus aus einer Ölberg-Gruppe in Eltville
Ferdinand Fellner
Book ornament (upper edge)
Pietro Lorenzetti; workshop
Calling and Martyrdom of Saint Matthew
Italian Master 18th century
Ceiling design: Christ Handing a Nail…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
Édouard Baldus
Chartres: Royal portal of the cathedral
Meister FVB
Reinhold Ewald
Christ and Nicodemus
Odilon Redon
Christ and the Samaritan Woman…
Italian, 17th century
Christ and Thomas
Claude Lorrain
Christ Appears in front of Mary Magdalene…
Master of the Passion Panels
Christ Being Nailed to the Cross
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Christ Blessing the Children
Jacopo Palma il Giovane
Christ before Caiaphas
Hendrik Goudt
Christ before Caiaphas
Nuremberg Master ca. 1350/60
Christ Carrying the Cross…
Guido Reni
Christ at the Column
Anthony van Dyck
Christ on the cross
Venetian, 18th century
Christ on the cross
Gustav Heinrich Naeke
Christ on the cross
Jacob de Wit
Christ on the cross
Pierre Jean Paul de Berny
Christ on the cross
Unknown, 16th century, after Michelangelo Buonarroti
Christ on the cross
Monogrammist AG
Christ on the Cross
Hans Holbein the Elder
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Unknown, 17th century
Christ Crucified
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Christ crucified between the two thieves…
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Christ crucified between the two thieves…
Giovanni Antonio Guardi
Christ in Emmaus
Raphael Sadeler d. Ä.
Christ in Emmaus
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri); ?
Christ in Emmaus
Monogrammist AG, after Martin Schongauer
Christ Enthroned
Netherlandish, 15th century
Christ as a gardener…
Edward von Steinle
Christ, the Good Shepherd
Abraham Bloemaert; ?
Christ heals the lame
Jean Jouvenet
Christ heals a lame man
Augustin Terwesten d. Ä.
Christ heals a lame man
Lazzaro Baldi; ?
Christ heals the sick
Master of the Stalburg Portraits
Christ as Man of Sorrows
Giuseppe Porta; ?
Christ before Pilate
Master of the Middle Rhine ca. 1420
Christ before Pilate, Carrying of the Cross