Christ healing a possessed man, Salvator Rosa
Salvator Rosa
Christ healing a possessed man
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Salvator Rosa: Christus heilt einen Besessenen, ca. 1660-1665, Feder in Braun, 76 x 172 mm. Inv. 7457.25.31B, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig


Salvator Rosa: Christus heilt einen Besessenen, nach 1662, Öl auf Leinwand, 57 x 57 cm. Incisa della Rocchetta-Chigi Collection, Rom

Salvator Rosa

Christ healing a possessed man, ca. 1660 – 1662

171 x 163 mm
Physical Description
Pen and brush in brown over graphite, washed in brown
Inventory Number
Object Number
4354 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

It is a tension-charged depiction. The theme is Christ exorcizing demons as related in the New Testament. He raises his arms in a summons as the possessed man writhes on the ground, his mouth open in a scream, his body in a spasm of excruciating ecstasy. Evidently executed with rapid strokes of the pen and brush, the drawing bears clear witness to Salvator Rosa’s talent for drama.

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