Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Édouard Baldus
Abbeville, Saint Wulfram parish church…
Hermann Wilhelm Vogel
Abend (bei Bellevue)
Antonio Beato; attributed
Abydos: Second hypostyle hall in the mortuary temple of Sethos I.
Pascal Sébah
Abydos: Temple of Sethi I.…
Giuseppe Incorpora
Agrigento: The temple of Concordia
Giorgio Sommer
Agrigento: Temple of Juno and Lacinia Giroenti…
Lewis Carroll
Alexandra “Xie” Kitchin as Chinese “Tea-Merchant”…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Alexandria: Column of Pompeii
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Alexandria of Egypt: General view
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Alexandria of Egypt: General View…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Alexandria of Egypt: General View…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Alexandria of Egypt: view from the great square…
Giorgio Sommer
Amalfi: Grand Hotel, Formerly the Convento dei Cappuccini
Giorgio Sommer; attributed
Amalfi: Seaside Promenade
Giorgio Sommer
Amalfi: Valle dei Mulini
Giorgio Sommer
Amalfi: View from the Coast
Édouard Baldus
Amiens: "Portrail de la Vierge" on the West Facade of the Cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Ariadne on the Panther by Johann Heinrich von Dannecker
Petros Moraites
Athens: View of Theseion and Acropolis
The Augustus of Prima Porta
A. Varady & Comp.
Basel: City Hall
A. Varady & Comp.
Basel: St. Jacob memorial…
A. Varady & Comp.
Basel: St. Jacob Monument
A. Varady & Comp.
Basel: St. Jacob Monument…
A. Varady & Comp.
Basel: St. Jacob Monument…
Hermann Rückwardt
Berlin: View of the Kurfürstenbrücke
Hermann Wilhelm Vogel
Bilder aus dem Thiergarten…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Boulaq, Cairo Fauburg, No. 33
Hermann Wilhelm Vogel
Brücke (beim Königsdenkmal)
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Caliphal tombs near Cairo. General view…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Choubra Kiosk near Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Choubra Kiosk near Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Citadel Street in Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Citadel, view from the North…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Coptic Houses at the Esbekieh in Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Panorama, No. 1
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Sultan Aschraff, Tomb of Caliph…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Sultan Barkouk, Tomb of the Caliph…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Cairo: Touloun Mosque in Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Caliphs' tombs near Cairo. General view…
Édouard Baldus
Castle Blois: the wing of Louis XII
Giorgio Sommer
Cava de’ Tirreni: A Monk from the Abbey of the Holy Trinity
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
The Charterhouse of Pavia…
In the Charterhouse of Pavia…
Édouard Baldus
Chartres: Royal portal of the cathedral
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Choubra Kiosk near Cairo
Bisson Frères
Cologne: The south facade of the cathedral under construction
Pascal Sébah
Constantine Column
Abdullah Frères
Constantinople: The Blue Mosque of Sultan Ahmed I
Abdullah Frères
Constantinople: Interior of the Hagia Sophia
Abdullah Frères
Constantinople: Turkish Cemetery in Scutari
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Dam Bridge in Egypt…
Eadweard Muybridge
Das Pferd in Bewegung
Otto Schmidt
Dresden. The Altmarkt with the town hall
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
El Hakem, Mosque in Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Emir Akhur, Mosque in Cairo…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Emir el Gisch, Tomb of Caliph…
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
English Church in Alexandria
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Gustave Le Gray
The field of maneuvers in Châlons-sur-Marne
Fratelli Alinari, Romualdo Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari
Florence: Ajax Carrying the Body of Achilles…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Casino Mediceo (Via Cavour)…
Fratelli Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Romualdo Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari
Florence: Cathedral
Fratelli Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Romualdo Alinari
Florence: Cathedral with Bell Tower
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: The Cathedral seen from the dome of the Cappella de'Principi in S. Lorenzo…
Fratelli Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Romualdo Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari
Florence: Corridor of the Galleria degli Uffizi
Giacomo Brogi; attributed
Florence: Courtyard of Palazzo del Podestà…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Courtyard of Palazzo del Podestà…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Facade of the Cathedral…
Giorgio Sommer
Florence: Fountain of Neptune
Giovanni Brampton Philpot
Florence: Gate of Paradise of the Baptistery
Fratelli Alinari, Romualdo Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari
Florence: Gates of Paradise of the Baptistery of Saint John
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Interior of the Loggia de'Lanzi…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Interior of S. Miniato…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Loggia de' Lanzi…
Fratelli Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Romualdo Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari
Florence: Loggia dei Lanzi
Adolphe Braun
Florence: Michelangelo’s Unfinished Apollo in the Galleria degli Uffizi
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: National Museum, Interior of the second Bronze Room…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Palazzo del Podestà or Bargello…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Palazzo Larderel (Via Tornabuoni)…
Giorgio Sommer
Florence: Panorama of S. Miniato…
Fratelli Alinari
Florence. Panoramic view of the city
Giorgio Sommer
Florence: Perseus by Benvenuto…
Fratelli Alinari
Florence: Piazza S. Spirito…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Pitti Palace: Madonna with the Fabrics of Carlo Dolci…
Fratelli Alinari
Florence: R. Galleria Pitti…
Fratelli Alinari
Florence: R. Galleria Uffizi…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: S. Lorenzo, Chapel of the Princes…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: S. Miniato Church…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Uffizi Gallery, Alessandro dying…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Uffizi Gallery, L'Arrotino or the Spy…
Giacomo Brogi
Florence: Uffizi Gallery,The Wrestlers…
Giacomo Brogi; attributed
Florence: Venus de'Medici, famous Greek work by Cleomene…
Fratelli Alinari, Romualdo Alinari, Leopoldo Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari
Florence: View of the Palazzo Vecchio from the garden of Palazzo Pitti
Flower still life
Édouard Baldus
Fontainebleau: The gate of the castle
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Fountain of the Mohamed Ali Mosque in Cairo…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Alte Gasse and Bleichstraße
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The ancestral House Limpurg on the Römerberg…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Bank of the Main at the old slaughterhouse and approach to the Old Bridge
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Bleidenstrasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Church of St Catherine…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Cronstettisches Stift garden…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Cronstettisches Stift garden…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Downhill from the Katharinenpforte
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Emperorʼs Stairs at Cronstettisches Stift
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Entrance to the Cronstettisches Stift from the courtyard…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Entrance to the Cronstettisches Stift from the garden and stairway to the side wing…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Fountain of Justice on Römerberg square
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Fountain of Justice on Römerberg square
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Garden side of the Geisow Boys’ Institute in Hochstrasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Grosse Eschenheimer Gasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Gutenberg Monument by Eduard Schmidt von der Launitz on the southern Rossmarkt square
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Heller Crucifix outside the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Heller Crucifix outside the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: At Höchst Castle
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: At the House to the King of England…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Library room at the Cronstettisches Stift with court Counsellor Dr. Sömmering and Provost von Lersner…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Mainzer Landstrasse…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Neue Kräme
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Outdoor staircase…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Petershaus in Stiftstrasse…