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August Macke

Painter, Draughtsman and Publicist

1887 in Meschede
1914 in Perthes-les-Hurlus

9 Works by August Macke


August Macke's family moves to Cologne and in 1900 to Bonn. In 1904, Macke is accepted into the fourth class at Düsseldorf's Königliche Kunstakademie. In 1905, he takes evening classes at the city's applied arts school, the Kunstgewerbeschule. He travels to Italy, and in 1906 to Holland and Belgium as well as London. He leaves the Düsseldorf Academy. He journeys to Paris in 1907. He studies at the atelier of Lovis Corinth in Berlin and becomes a friend of the collector Bernhard Koehler. He takes further trips to Italy and Paris. He serves in the military from 1908 to 1909. He marries Elisabeth Gerhardt in Bonn. In 1910 a friendship with Franz Marc begins, and later one with Wassily Kandinsky, Gabriele Munter and Alexej von Jawlensky. Macke participates in preparations for the 1912 'Sonderbund' exhibition in Cologne. In the autumn, he joins the 'editorial board of the Blauer Reiter'. Also in 1912, he works on an almanac and the exhibition of the 'Blauer Reiter'. There he has his first encounter with the paintings of Robert Delaunay. From 26 September to 4 October, he travels to Paris with Franz Marc, where he visits Robert Delaunay and Ambroise Vollard. In January 1913 Delaunay and Apollinaire visit Macke in Bonn. Exhibits at Berlin's 'Autumn Salon'. Subsequent move to Hilterfingen, Switzerland. In 1914, he travels to Tunis with Paul Klee and Louis Moilliet. On 8 August, he is drafted into the army.

Persons connected to August Macke

Groups and institutions August Macke belongs to