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Erich Heckel

Painter, Commercial artist (male), Woodcarver (male), Carver and Sculptor (male)

1883 in Döbeln
1970 in Radolfzell am Bodensee

68 Works by Erich Heckel

Works displaying Erich Heckel


1901 friendship with Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. 1904-1905 studies architecture at the Technische Hochschule, Dresden. Gets to know Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. 1905 co-founder and first chairman of the artists' association 'Die Brücke'. 1906-1910 stays in Dangast together with his artist friends. 1908 visits Max Pechstein in Berlin. 1909 travels to Italy. 1910 becomes acquainted with Otto Mueller. 1911 summer stay in Pomerania. Moves to Berlin in the autumn. 1912 takes part in the 'Sonderbund' exhibition in Cologne. Becomes acquainted with Lyonel Feininger. 1913 dissolution of 'Die Brücke'. Until 1943 regular summer vacations in the village of Osterholz on the Flensburg Fjord. 1914 trips to Belgium and Holland. Volunteers for training as an orderly. Meets Max Beckmann. 1918 founding member of the 'Workers' Council for Art'. Briefly a member of the 'November Group'. 1926 travels to Provence, Paris, and England. 1944 his Berlin atelier is destroyed with all his printing blocks and countless drawings. 1949-1955 teaching appointment at the Karlsruhe Academy. 1963 extensive exhibitions on the occasion of his eightieth birthday in Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart and elsewhere.

Persons connected to Erich Heckel

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Works associated with Erich Heckel