Frankfurt am Main: Reminder of the Cronstettisches Stift before the structural alterations of 1864, Carl Friedrich Mylius
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Reminder of the Cronstettisches Stift before the structural alterations of 1864
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  • Frankfurt am Main: Reminder of the Cronstettisches Stift before the structural alterations of 1864, Carl Friedrich Mylius
  • Frankfurt am Main: Reminder of the Cronstettisches Stift before the structural alterations of 1864, Carl Friedrich Mylius
This work consists of multiple parts

Carl Friedrich Mylius

Frankfurt am Main: Reminder of the Cronstettisches Stift before the structural alterations of 1864, 1864

42 x 32 cm
Inventory Number
Ancient holdings. Acquired in the 19th century
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