Crucifixion, Virgin and Child, Deacon and Scenes from the Legends of Saints Matthew and John the Evangelist, Pietro Lorenzetti;  workshop
Pietro Lorenzetti
Crucifixion, Virgin and Child, Deacon and Scenes from the Legends of Saints Matthew and John the Evangelist
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Pietro Lorenzetti workshop

Crucifixion, Virgin and Child, Deacon and Scenes from the Legends of Saints Matthew and John the Evangelist, ca. 1345 – 1350

98.5 x 71.4 x 2.5 cm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
Object Number
995 a-c
Acquired in 1865 in an exchange with the Frankfurt Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde
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About the Work

Attributed to Pietro Lorenzetti and his workshop, this polyptych is like a miniature version of a large altarpiece. In the centre are depictions of the Crucifixion and the enthroned Virgin and Child with a kneeling deacon. The left-hand side recounts the calling and martyrdom of St Matthew, while the sections on the right show St John on the island of Patmos and his ascension to heaven. Parts of the latter scene reveal the influence of Giotto’s fresco in Santa Croce in Florence. This wittily devised pictorial narrative is crowned by a row of saints and the Annunciation.


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Work Data

Basic Information

Crucifixion, Virgin and Child, Deacon and Scenes from the Legends of Saints Matthew and John the Evangelist
Crucifixion, Virgin and Child with a Deacon
Calling and Martyrdom of Saint Matthew
Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos, his Ascension
Period Produced
Object Type
Physical Description
Label at the Time of Manufacture
Bezeichnet auf Titulus der Kreuzigungsszene auf 995A: "INRI"
Bezeichnet auf Schriftband im rechten Bogenzwickel auf 995A: "ABR[A]"
Bezeichnet auf Schriftband im linken Bogenzwickel auf 995B: "DESAUL"
Bezeichnet auf Schriftband im rechten Bogenzwickel auf 995B: "DACORE"

Property and Acquisition

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Picture Copyright
Public Domain
Acquired in 1865 in an exchange with the Frankfurt Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde

Work Content


  • 73D643 crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene
  • 73D642 crucified Christ with Mary Magdalene, who usually weeps and embraces the cross
  • 31A2331 kneeling on both knees
  • 73D58 the superscription: I(esus) N(azarenus) R(ex) I(udaeorum) ~ Christ's crucifixion
  • 11I62(DAVID) David (not in biblical context); possible attributes: crown, harp
  • 11I62(ABRAHAM)7 Abraham (not in biblical context); possible attribute: knife - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the Old Testament
  • 11FF4222 Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child sitting on her knee (Christ-child to Mary's left) - FF - the Christ-child to Mary's right
  • 73F28 life and acts of Matthew (Levi)
  • 11H(MATTHEW)31 the apostle and evangelist Matthew (Mattheus); possible attributes: angel, axe, book, halberd, pen and inkhorn, purse, scroll, square, sword - vocation, conversion of male saint
  • 73F2851 Matthew is slain before an altar by soldiers of Hirtacus and is beheaded
  • 73F23 life and acts of John the Evangelist
  • 73G111 an angel sent by Christ appears to John on Patmos
  • 11H(JOHN)7 St. John the Evangelist is received and crowned in heaven by Christ and the apostles
  • 11HH(CATHERINE) the virgin martyr Catherine of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, crown, emperor Maxentius, palm-branch, ring, sword, wheel
  • 11H(NICHOLAS) the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari); possible attributes: anchor, boat, three golden balls (on a book), three purses, three children in a tub, three maidens
  • 11H(LAURENCE) the martyr and deacon Laurence of Rome; possible attributes: book, censer, cross, dalmatic, gridiron, palm, purse (or cup with golden coins)
  • 11H saints
  • 11P3113 archbishop, bishop, etc. (Roman Catholic)
  • 49MM32 book - MM - book open
  • 11H(STEPHEN) the deacon and (proto)martyr Stephen; possible attributes: censer, stones
  • 11H(JEROME) the monk and hermit Jerome (Hieronymus); possible attributes: book, cardinal's hat, crucifix, hour-glass, lion, skull, stone

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