Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Antonio Beato; attributed
Abydos: Second hypostyle hall in the mortuary temple of Sethos I.
Pascal Sébah
Abydos: Temple of Sethi I.…
Giuseppe Incorpora
Agrigento: The temple of Concordia
Giorgio Sommer
Agrigento: Temple of Juno and Lacinia Giroenti…
Frédéric Boissonnas
Athens, The Acropolis after the rain
Petros Moraites
Athens: View of Theseion and Acropolis
Johann Heinrich Ramberg
Ball Game in Rome
Barbara Klemm
Brcko, Bosnien
Jewgeni Chaldej
Budapest, January 1945
Johann Anton Ramboux
Capuchin Sermon at the Colosseum of Rome
Johann Heinrich Roos
Children playing in a Stable
Carl Georg Adolph Hasenpflug
Church Ruin in Winter
Karl Peter Burnitz
Destroyed House
Hubert Robert
Draughtsman in the Ruins of the Palatine
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Gelnhausen: Imperial Palace, fireplace
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Gelnhausen: Imperial Palace, south portal
Carl Rottmann
Greek Landscape on the Island of Aegina
Johann Georg Pforr
A Groom Leading a Stallion from the Drinking Trough
Ryuji Miyamoto
Großes Schauspielhaus Berlin
Ryuji Miyamoto
Großes Schauspielhaus Berlin
Ryuji Miyamoto
Großes Schauspielhaus Berlin
Carl Spitzweg
The Hermit in front of His Retreat
Adam Pynacker
Italian Cemetery
Emanuel Murant
Italian Landscape with Antique Ruins
Thomas Wijck
Italian Landscape with Figures at a Fountain among Antique Ruins
Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
Will McBride
Kriegsversehrter, Berlin
style of Francesco Guardi
Lagoon Landscape
Carl Friedrich Lessing
Abraham van Cuylenborch
Landscape with Ancient Ruins
Christian Georg Schütz the Elder
Landscape with Ancient Ruins and a Column
Christian Georg Schütz the Elder
Landscape with Ancient Ruins and Two Pack Mules
Pieter van Bloemen
Landscape with Ancient Ruins…
Cornelis van Poelenburch; workshop
Landscape with the Discovery of Callisto’s Pregnancy
Friedrich Wilhelm Hirt
Landscape with Farm Animals at a Brook
Hendrik Meyer
Landscape with Herd of Sheep in Front of a Peasant Hut in a Ruins
Friedrich Wilhelm Hirt
Landscape with a Herdswoman and Farm Animals
Carl Philipp Fohr
Landscape near Innsbruck with the Ruins at Fragenstein and Country People Returning Home and Working in the Fields
Paolo Anesi
Landscape near Rome
Fra Bartolommeo
Landscape with the Ruins of an Archway
Albrecht Dürer
The Nativity
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Opytnoe Pole
Sommer & Behles; attributed, Giorgio Sommer, Edmondo Behles
Paestum: Interior of the Temple of Neptune
Sommer & Behles, Giorgio Sommer; attributed, Edmondo Behles
Paestum: The Photographer in front of the Temple of Neptune
Giorgio Sommer; attributed
Paestum: Temple of Athena
Giorgio Sommer; attributed
Paestum: The Temple of Poseidon
Giacomo Brogi
Pompei: Anfiteatro, No. 5076
Giacomo Brogi
Pompei: Strada dell' Abbondanza…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Abundance Road, No. 5033
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Basilica, building where justice was done…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Civil Forum, No. 5026
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Domus Vettiorum, View of the Peristyle…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Fôro Civile, No. 5026
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Foro Triangolore, No. 5044
Giorgio Sommer
Pompeii: Fountain in the Casa del gran balcone
Sommer & Behles, Giorgio Sommer, Edmondo Behles
Pompeii: Fountain in the House of the Balcony
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Gate of Herculaneum…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: General view of the Civil Forum…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: General view of the Civil Forum…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Gladiator School, called Soldier's Quarter…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Hanging Balcony House…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of Cornelius Rufus…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of the Emperor of Germany…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of the Faun…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of the Faun…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of the Frog…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of Marco Lucretius…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of Marco Olconio…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of Meleager…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of the New Faun…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House with oven and mills…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of Pansa…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: House of the Tragic Poet…
Giorgio Sommer
Pompeii: The Oil Merchant’s Shop
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Panorama taken from the Theatre and Soldier's Quarter…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Panorama taken from the walls…
Giorgio Sommer
Pompeii: Panoramic View
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Road of Abundance…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Sepulchre Road, No. 5064
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Sepulchre Road, No. 5066
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Sepulchre Road, No. 5067
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Temple of Apollo…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Temple of Augustus…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Temple of the Genius of Augustus…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Temple of Isis…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Temple of Jupiter…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Tragic or Covered Theatre…
Giacomo Brogi
Pompeii: Wall of the Temple of Augustus…
Giorgio Sommer
Pozzuoli: Temple of Serapis
Giorgio Sommer; attributed
Pozzuoli: Temple of Serapis
Giorgio Sommer
Pozzuoli: Temple of Serapis
Carl Friedrich Lessing
Rocky Landscape: Gorge with Ruins
A. De Bonis; attributed
Rom: Arco dei Pantani und Tempel des Mars Ultor
James Anderson
Rom: Forum Romanum, Nr. 325
Antonio Joli; ?, Giovanni Paolo Pannini; ?
Roman Bath
Hubert Robert
A Roman Fountain with a Woman Collecting Water
Hubert Robert
Roman Ruins
Jan Baptist Weenix
Roman Tinker
Unknown, 19th century
Rome: Colosseum
Rome: The Forum Romanum against the Capitol
A. De Bonis; attributed
Rome: View through the Arch of Titus to the Colosseum
Friedrich Christian Reinermann
The Ruin of Kalsmunt near Wetzlar. Ruin on a Mountain…
Giorgio Sommer; attributed
Ruins of Saint Sebastian
Giorgio Sommer; attributed
Ruins of Saint Sebastian
Johann Heinrich Roos
Shepherd Family Resting near an Ancient Ruin
Johann Heinrich Roos
Shepherd's Family at the Ruins of the Temple of Vespasian
Theodor Roos
Shepherds in the Roman Campagna
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Tal der Gräber
Francis Frith
Temple of Kom Ombo in Upper Egypt
Giorgio Fuentes
Theatre Decoration
Carl Rottmann
Charles Clifford
Toledo, Alcantara Bridge
Francis Frith
Trajan’s Kiosk on Philae
Johann Heinrich Roos
Travelling People Resting in Front of a Roman Ruin
Trümmer in Hannover, Januar 1947