Une peinture en 4 parties et 2 lieux pour 2 collectionneurs, Daniel Buren
Daniel Buren
Une peinture en 4 parties et 2 lieux pour 2 collectionneurs
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  • Une peinture en 4 parties et 2 lieux pour 2 collectionneurs, Daniel Buren
  • Une peinture en 4 parties et 2 lieux pour 2 collectionneurs, Daniel Buren

Daniel Buren

Une peinture en 4 parties et 2 lieux pour 2 collectionneurs, 1976

Physical Description
Acrylic on black and white marquee material
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2012 as a gift from Paul Maenz, Gerd de Vries as well as Heimar and Christine Schröter
See Parts


About the Work

Daniel Buren works 'in situ', and his stripes recur in a wide variety of contexts. The artist devised the four-part work 'Une peinture en 4 parties et 2 lieux pour 2 collectionneurs' for mounting at two different locations, as laid down in a certificate. At the beginning of his career as an artist, he painted the 8.7-centimetre-wide stripes on canvas; in the mid-1960s, however, he changed over to ready-made fabrics. The outer stripes are painted by the artist himself and mark the origins of his works in painting. Unlike the paintings of Abstract Expressionism, Buren's works are not autonomous, but are dependent in each case on their specific environment.

About the Acquisition

Since the 1960s, our donors have shared an interest in contemporary art. In 1971, Paul Maenz and the musicologist Gerd de Vries founded a gallery for modern art in a back courtyard in Cologne. This establishment was to become one of the most successful international galleries of the 1970s and 1980s. Among the artists it represented was Daniel Buren. Heimar Schröter, on the other hand – a resident of Frankfurt – remained active in advertising, the field in which Maenz had originally worked.


Kunst nach 1945: Daniel Buren
Daniel Buren (*1938) gibt hier eine Einführung in sein künstlerisches Schaffen und beschreibt sein Werk "Chemin: Les Portes", 1985, das sich in der Sammlung des Städel Museums befindet. Mehr Infos zum Werk gibt es in der Digitalen Sammlung des Städel Museums: https://sammlung.staedelmuseum.de/de/werk/chemin-les-portes

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