The Embarkation for Cythera, Jean-Antoine Watteau
Jean-Antoine Watteau
The Embarkation for Cythera
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Jean-Antoine Watteau: Einschiffung nach Kythera (2. Fassung), 1717, Öl auf Leinwand, 129 × 194 cm, Inv. Nr. 8525, Musée du Louvre, Paris

Jean-Antoine Watteau: Einschiffung nach Kythera (3. Fassung), 1718, Öl auf Leinwand, 130 × 192 cm, Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin

Jean-Antoine Watteau

The Embarkation for Cythera, ca. 1709 – 1710

45.5 x 56 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1982 with means provided by Städel Museum, the State of Hesse, the city of Frankfurt am Main and Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V., joint property with Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 17


About the Work

It was Watteau, the painter of the French Rococo’s ‘fêtes galantes’, who executed this work. Etchings record the contemporary title as ‘Ile de Cythère’ (Island of Cythera). Greek mythology’s island of love is visible in the background, which is populated by innumerable cupids. On our side of the water, a company of young ladies and gentlemen in festive attire has gathered to board the gondola and head for the isle of love. The luminous colours testify to the influence Venetian painting had on Watteau.

Audio & Video

  • Basic information
  • Focus on cultural history
  • Highlights of the Städel Collection
  • Exhibition “RENOIR. ROCOCO REVIVAL” (2022)
Kunst|Stück – Jean-Antoine Watteau: Die Einschiffung nach Kythera
Sammlungshighlights des Städel Museums in unterhaltsamen und informativen Filmen – das sind die Kunst|Stücke. Entdecken Sie spannende Details zu Kunstwerken aus ungewöhnlichen Blickwinkeln in unter zwei Minuten. Jean-Antoine Watteau: Die Einschiffung nach Kythera (um 1709-10), Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Gemeinsames Eigentum mit dem Städelschen Museums-Verein e.V.

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