Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau), Francesco Primaticcio
Francesco Primaticcio
Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau)
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Francesco Primaticcio: Tanz der Horen, Deckenfresko. Château royal, Galerie d'Ulysse, zentrales Plafondbild, Fontainebleau (zerstört)


Jacob Bunel (zugeschrieben) nach Francesco Primaticcio: La ronde des heures, schwarzer Stift, gelb und ocker laviert, 540 x 477 mm. Inv. Nr. 8520, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Paris

Francesco Primaticcio

Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau), ca. 1547 – 1548

max. 358 x max. 335 mm
max. 150 x max. 130 mm
Physical Description
Red chalk over a circular and oval marking (circular blind lines) and aid lines with red chalk, red and white washes, highlighted in white, framing line with black ink on all sides, on paper, irregularly pasted over in the middle, #? on blue mount with gilt frame from the collection of Pierre-Jean Mariette
Inventory Number
Object Number
615 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

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