A man looking upwards to the right, Giovanni Battista Piazzetta;  circle, Giuseppe Angeli;   ?
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, Giuseppe Angeli
A man looking upwards to the right
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Giovanni Battista Piazzetta circle
Giuseppe Angeli

A man looking upwards to the right

min. 311 x min. 246 mm
maximum height
315 mm
maximum width
248 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
5682 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

This drawing bears a connection to Piazzetta’s painting The Vision of John the Baptist of 1741-44. In comparison to the works of Piazzetta, however, the head exhibits less plasticity; moreover, the pose differs from the one in the painting. The master’s authorship must therefore be ruled out. The work could conceivably be a study by his pupil Giuseppe Angeli, who copied the painting. Yet since it does not correspond clearly to other works in Angeli’s drawing oeuvre, it has been given a general attribution to the Piazzetta circle.

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