View of Frankfurt/Main, Domenico Quaglio the Younger
Domenico Quaglio the Younger
View of Frankfurt/Main
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Domenico Quaglio d.J., Mainansicht von Frankfurt gegen Nordosten, um 1830, Bleistiftzeichnung auf weißem Papier, 547 x 727 mm, Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum, Inv. Nr. C 1 1 534

Domenico Quaglio the Younger

View of Frankfurt/Main, 1831

56 x 77 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1878 as a gift from the Claudine von Arnim heirs
On display, 1st upper level, Modern Art, room 1


About the Work

On his travels through Europe, Domenico Quaglio was particularly fond of drawing medieval buildings. From these he developed city views (vedute) in his studio, which, due to their precision, are now of documentary value. In Frankfurt, Quaglio captured the city panorama extending to the north-east. On the left, the Leonhard Church and the cathedral stand out from the buildings on the northern bank of the Main. A view with more depth is impeded by the Old Bridge, which connects the old town with the former suburb of Sachsenhausen. There, the Dreikönigskirche and the Deutschordenskirche can be seen on the far right of the bank.

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