Two Maids Drinking and Smoking, Cornelis Pietersz. Bega
Cornelis Pietersz. Bega
Two Maids Drinking and Smoking
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Cornelis Pietersz. Bega

Two Maids Drinking and Smoking, 1663

36 x 28.9 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1817 as a bequest from Johann Georg Grambs
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 7


About the Work

Liquor and smoke dominate the scene. The woman on the right looks at her companion glassy-eyed. Their revealing necklines, and above all the bed in the background, leave no doubt: the two female protagonists are prostitutes. Depictions of the poor and licentious members of society had been popular in Haarlem since Frans Hals. Yet Cornelis Bega rendered the fabrics with delicate colours and folds. He thus combined the coarse peasant genre with the aesthetic of the “Leiden fine painters” around Gerard Dou, who was highly prized by art admirers of the period.

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