The Resurrection, Master of the Housebook
Master of the Housebook
The Resurrection
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Hausbuchmeister: Ecce Homo, um 1485-1490, Mischtechnik auf Nadelholz, 131,5 x 76,5 x 0,5 cm, Inv.-Nr. 11531c, Augustinermuseum, Freiburg i. Br.(Altarflügelinnenseite zu Fußwaschung)

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Master of the Housebook

The Resurrection, ca. 1485 – 1490

131.9 x 76.1 x 0.5 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on fir
Inventory Number
SG 447
Acquired in 1928
Not on display


About the Work

The “Housebook Master” is the leading representative of a realistic style practised on the Middle Rhine in the late fifteenth century and reflecting Netherlandish influence. In ‘The Resurrection’ this realism is exemplified by the profoundly human depiction of the sleeping and waking guards, the anatomically correct representation of Christ’s torso and the background landscape with its vast depth created by aerial perspective. This panel was once the right-hand wing of a retable, probably from Speyer Cathedral; the central panel is now in the Augustinermuseum in Freiburg.


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