Study for the lower left section of the Disputa, Raphael
Study for the lower left section of the Disputa
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Raffael: Disputa, ca. 1509, Pinsel in Braun über schwarzem Stift (Kohle), braun laviert, weißgehöht, quadriert (mit schwarzer Kreide), 276 x 283 mm. Inv. Nr. RCIN 912732 (RL 12732), Royal Collection, Windsor Castle (Joannides 1983.181.197)

Raffael: Disputa, ca. 1509, schwarze Kreide, 202 x 403 mm. Inv. Nr. RCIN 912733 (RL 12733), Royal Collection, Windsor Castle (Joannides 1983.182.200)

Raffael: Disputa, ca. 1509, Feder in Braun, graubraun laviert, weißgehöht, 245 x 400 mm. Inv. Nr. 1900,0824.108, British Museum, Departement of Prints and Drawings, London (Joannides 1983.183.204)


Raffael: Disputa, 1510/1511, Wandfresko, 500 x 770 cm. Palazzo Apostolico, Musei Vaticani, Stanza della Segnatura, Città del Vaticano, Rom


Unbekannt (Nicolas Vleughels?) nach Raffael: Dix-sept figures nues, debout, assises ou agenouillées (Disputa), Feder in Schwarz, 309 x 428 mm. Inv. Nr. 4183, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Cabinet des Dessins, Paris


Study for the lower left section of the Disputa, ca. 1508 – 1509

282 x 416 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink over black pen and leadpoint, pierced at the contours, framing line with black ink on all sides, on (with coal dust) stained laid paper, distance of chain lines (vertical) |38|35|33|31|38|38|38|39|38|38|
Inventory Number
Object Number
379 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

In 1508, at the age of twenty-five, Raphael succeeded in gaining an important commission from Pope Julius II. He was to design the decoration for a ceremonial hall in the Vatican. The fresco of the 'Disputa' shows an assembly of saints, priests, scholars and poets. This drawing is a detail from the overall composition. In order to portray the figures in as lively and realistic a way as possible, Raphael created a nude study of each of them after a live model. In this drawing he brought the individual studies together again to form a group, in order to determine the spatial relationship between the different figures.

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