Still Life with Shell, Water Glass and Spoon, Louis Eysen
Louis Eysen
Still Life with Shell, Water Glass and Spoon
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Louis Eysen

Still Life with Shell, Water Glass and Spoon, 1869

23 x 48.2 cm
Physical Description
Oil on cardboard
Inventory Number
SG 637
Acquired in 1938
On display, 1st upper level, Modern Art, room 3


About the Work

No pomp, no effects, just frugality and silent dignity. The artist is restrained, both in the number of objects he depicts and the colours he uses. Eysen seeks harmony, not contrast, and chooses similar surface structures and colours. He focuses the centre of attention on the smooth surface of the shell in shades of grey and brown. Unlike the vanitas still lifes of the Baroque era, whose pictorial motifs always involve a deeper symbolic meaning, the interest here lies in the object itself.

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