Stationary Wings of the Heller Altarpiece with 
Sts. Lawrence and Cyriacus, Mathis Gothart Nithart called Grünewald
Mathis Gothart Nithart called Grünewald
Stationary Wings of the Heller Altarpiece with Sts. Lawrence and Cyriacus
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Mathis Gothart Nithart called Grünewald

Stationary Wings of the Heller Altarpiece with Sts. Lawrence and Cyriacus, ca. 1509 – 1510

Der heilige Laurentius
99.1 x 43 x 1.3 cm
Der heilige Cyriakus
99.1 x 42.8 x 1.2 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on fir
Inventory Number
HM 36; HM 37
On permanent loan from Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main since 1922
See Parts


About the Work

In 1507 the Frankfurt merchant Jakob Heller commissioned Dürer to paint the central panel and wings of a retable for the city’s Dominican church. Grünewald executed these panels to serve as fixed wings for the same. They depict two deacons: Lawrence with the grid on which he was burnt to death, and Cyriacus, an exorcist who freed a princess of her demon. The panels are masterpieces of grisaille painting, whose realistic appearance confronts the viewer with the question as to what he actually has in front of him – a work of painting, a sculpture, or nature itself?


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