ST 77, Bernard Frize
Bernard Frize
ST 77
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Bernard Frize

ST 77, 1977

100 x 100 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2010 with funds from the Städelkomitee 21. Jahrhundert, property of Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
On display, lower level, Contemporary Art, room 2 / 5 (hallway)


About the Work

'ST 77' required a time-consuming production process. Only at close quarters does the minute detail of the brightly coloured brushstrokes become recognisable. The fine lines, placed above and beneath each other in painstaking detail, run both vertically and horizontally, thereby filling out the entire picture surface. From a distance the picture appears almost monochrome. The particular quality of Frize's pictures lies in the revelation of an image concept in which the traditional conditions of painting are apparently confirmed, only to be critically questioned at the end. They are artistic strategies which play a central role in the context of conceptual art: the emphasis on the production process compared with the visible result, and on the concept compared with the artist's craftsman-like skills.

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