Shepherd Struck by Lightning, Jakob Becker
Jakob Becker
Shepherd Struck by Lightning
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Jakob Becker

Shepherd Struck by Lightning, 1844

121.5 x 185 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Purchased in 1844
On display, 1st upper level, Modern Art, room 5


About the Work

This painting is one of Jakob Becker’s main works. He was a professor at the Städelschule and carefully prepared this piece with numerous sketches and studies. A shepherd who was apparently struck by lightning is at the centre of the dramatic scene, surrounded by his flock and by horrified field workers. In the background, the tree is bright ablaze with fire. A farmer points to the sky to indicate the cause of death and to also warn of the divine powers. Becker’s composition is reminiscent of religious depictions. Thus, the shepherd held by his companions resembles corpus Christi, wept over by his mother.

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