Panels of a polyptych: The Archangel Gabriel and The Virgin Annunciate, Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli
Panels of a polyptych: The Archangel Gabriel and The Virgin Annunciate
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Carlo Crivelli: Die Heiligen Petrus und Dominikus (linke Tafel), 1482-1483, 167 x 63cm, Inv.-Nr. 155-350-351, Pinacoteca di Brera, Mailand

Carlo Crivelli: Die Heiligen Petrus Martyr und Venantus (rechte Tafel), 1482-1483, 167 x 61,8cm, Inv.-Nr. 155-350-351, Pinacoteca di Brera, Mailand

Carlo Crivelli: Madonna mit Kind (Mitteltafel), 1482-1483, 190,5 x 78cm, Inv.-Nr. 155-350-351, Pinacoteca di Brera, Mailand

Carlo Crivelli: Auferstehung Christi (Mitteltafel-Bekrönungstafel), um 1482, 50 x 70cm, Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg

Crivelli, Carlo: Die Heiligen Antonius Abbas, Hieronymus und Andreas (linke Predellentafel), um 1482, 26 x 62cm, Pinacoteca di Brera, Mailand

Carlo Crivelli: Die Heiligen Jakobus Major, Bernhardin von Siena und Nikodemus (rechte Predellentafel), um 1482, 26 x 62cm, Pinacoteca di Brera, Mailand (rechte Predellentafel)

Carlo Crivelli

Panels of a polyptych: The Archangel Gabriel and The Virgin Annunciate, 1482

Einzelteil mit Rahmen
80.5 x 48 x 4 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on poplar
Inventory Number
841; 841A
Acquired in 1832
See Parts


About the Work

The two immaculately preserved panels depict with great attention to detail the events leading to the Incarnation of Christ. Together with a Risen Christ (today in the Abegg-Foundation in Riggisberg), they originally served as the top sections of a four-part altarpiece which Crivelli painted in 1482 for a church in the town of Camerino, in the Italian region of Marche. The main panels of this polyptych, which was separated into its individual parts in the nineteenth century, showed the Madonna enthroned with the Child and Saints Peter and Dominic, as well as St Peter the Martyr and Venantius; the predella was decorated with further images of saints (today in Milan and Venice).


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