Ohne Titel (Stadtcollagen, XI), Amelie von Wulffen
Amelie von Wulffen
Ohne Titel (Stadtcollagen, XI)
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Amelie von Wulffen

Ohne Titel (Stadtcollagen, XI), 1999

70 x 87 cm
Physical Description
Oil paint, photographs on paper
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2009 with funds from the Städelkomitee 21. Jahrhundert, property of Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
Not on display


About the Work

The starting point for Amelie von Wulffen's city collages is the urban architecture which she has photographed herself. These photographs are affixed to a surface and then processed pictorially: the artist alienates the perspective, adds abstract patterns and confronts the scene with quirky objects. The painted forms and unreal connections intervene in the relationship to reality of the supposedly objective photograph. The combination of photograph and painting is accompanied by a reflection on the characteristics of the medium concerned. The photographic reproduction of a situation which has been experienced may adequately record the place but not necessarily the memory. With this in mind, the artist sees painting as a suitable medium to equip photography with an authentic means of expression. During the chemical process of photography, real objects are registered on the light-sensitive material, just as the mood of the place and the memory of the artist are translated into the painting process. With regard to form, Wulffen reveals a wealth of references to Constructivism, Surrealism and Dadaism.

Audio & Video

  • Basic information
  • Focus art history
  • Focus on material
Kunst nach 1945: Amelie von Wulffen
Im Rahmen der Städel-Filmreihe "Kunst nach 1945" stellt Amelie von Wulffen (geboren 1966 in Breitenbrunn) ihre elfteilige Werkserie „Stadtcollagen" im Städel Museum vor, die Ende der 1990er-Jahre entstand. Was inspirierte die Künstlerin zu dieser Serie? Woher stammen die Fotografien, die sie für ihre Collagen verwendet -- und was haben sie mit ihrer eigenen Lebensgeschichte zu tun? In welchen Medien arbeitet Amelie von Wulffen noch? Diesen und weiteren Fragen spürt der Film nach. http://www.staedelmuseum.de/de#youtube

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