Maria mit dem Jesusknaben nach einem Temperagemälde, Johann Anton Ramboux, after Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Johann Anton Ramboux, Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Maria mit dem Jesusknaben nach einem Temperagemälde
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Johann Anton Ramboux
afterAmbrogio Lorenzetti

Maria mit dem Jesusknaben nach einem Temperagemälde, 1818 – 1843

586 x 338 mm
Inventory Number
Bib. 2472
Object Number
Bib. 2472 VI 66A
Acquired in 1868
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

Work Data

Basic Information

Maria mit dem Jesusknaben nach einem Temperagemälde
Adhesive tape
Sammlung von Umrissen und Durchzeichnungen, Band 6
Part Number / Total
1 / 1
Production Place
Period Produced
Object Type
Geographic Reference
Production Reason
Label at the Time of Manufacture
Bezeichnet in der Darstellung unten links im Gewand des Knaben (mit Bleistift): [unleserlich] // Ambrogio Lorenzetti MCCCC Secolo / accademia in Siena / furono le opere [sue?] nel MCCCXL.
Captions Added Later
Bezeichnet oben links (mit Bleistift): 1566.
  • Nicht geprüft

Property and Acquisition

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Picture Copyright
Public Domain
Acquired in 1868

Work Content

Motifs and References


  • 11F4 Madonna: i.e. Mary with the Christ-child

Research and Discussion


Object History
Johann Anton Ramboux (1790-1866)
Nachlass Johann Anton Ramboux, 1866
Versteigerung durch J.M. Heberle (H. Lempertz), Köln, 23.5.1867 an Ferdinand Prestel, Frankfurt am Main, 1867
verkauft an das Städelsche Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, 1868.


Since 2001, the Städel Museum has systematically been researching the provenance of all objects that were acquired during the National Socialist period, or that changed owners or could have changed owners during those years. The basis for this research is the “Washington Declaration”, also known as the “Washington Conference Principles”, formulated at the 1998 “Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets” and the subsequent “Joint Declaration”.

The provenance information is based on the sources researched at the time they were published digitally. However, this information can change at any time when new sources are discovered. Provenance research is therefore a continuous process and one that is updated at regular intervals.

Ideally, the provenance information documents an object’s origins from the time it was created until the date when it found its way into the collection. It contains the following details, provided they are known:

  • the type of acquisition and/or the way the object changed hands
  • the owner's name and place of residence
  • the date on which it changed hands

The successive ownership records are separated from each other by a semicolon.

Gaps in the record of a provenance are indicated by the placeholder “…”. Unsupported information is listed in square brackets.

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