Jewish Street in Amsterdam, Max Liebermann
Max Liebermann
Jewish Street in Amsterdam
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Max Liebermann

Jewish Street in Amsterdam, 1908

74.2 x 62.5 cm
Physical Description
Oil on wood
Inventory Number
SG 172
Acquired in 1910 with means provided by the Pfungst-Stiftung.
Not on display


About the Work

For Max Liebermann, the Netherlands were an important source of inspiration. From 1885 onwards, he painted numerous scenes he had observed at the market in the Jewish neighbourhood of Amsterdam. This depiction shows the hustle and bustle at the intersection of Jodenbreestraat and Markensteeg. With his loose and sketch-like style of painting, Liebermann successfully and skilfully captures the occurrences and crowds with just a few brushstrokes. Later, this depiction would serve as a preliminary study for a large studio painting, which was much more detailed.

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