Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas
Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground
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  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas
  • Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas

Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground, 1870 – 1880 (casting 1919 – 1926)

22.5 x 12.7 cm
27 cm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1926
Not on display


About the Work

Depictions of horse racing constitute the focal point of Degas’ work. Around 1860, the artist discovered this facet of modern leisure pursuit and explored it in various techniques until 1900. Sculpting horses helped Degas learn the correct reproduction of their complicated movements. At first, he modelled them in static poses. From the 1870s onwards, he also experimented with more dynamic postures and tried to reproduce certain gaits. A series of horse photographs from 1878 onwards was an important stimulus for him as they made the animals’ movements comprehensible for the first time.


  • Exhibition “en passant. Impressionism in Sculpture” (2020)

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