Foundling No. 1, Raoul de Keyser
Raoul de Keyser
Foundling No. 1
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Raoul de Keyser

Foundling No. 1, 2008

35 x 45 cm
Physical Description
Acrylic and oil on canvas
Inventory Number
LG 83
On permanent loan from the Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg near Vienna since 2010
On display, lower level, Contemporary Art, room 7


About the Work

‘Foundling No. 1’ depicts a so-called French curve, or curve template, in white. It is subjected to the viewer’s gaze like a germ cell under a microscope. The title reinforces associations of organic origins. Raoul De Keyser has adopted the principle of the objet trouvé, introduced to art by the Surrealists and Marcel Duchamp, and returned it to painting. The French curve, a symbol of precision, is here hand-painted – and almost dissolves in the work’s painterly aesthetic.

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