Angelis lifting the Body of St Catherine to Mount Sinai, Cologne Master around 14170/80
Cologne Master around 14170/80
Angelis lifting the Body of St Catherine to Mount Sinai
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Kölner Meister um 1470/80, Disputation der hl. Katharina, 66 x 59 cm, Utrecht, Museum Het Catharijneconvent, Inv. Nr. ABM. s. 30

Kölner Meister um 1470/80, Zerstörung des Rades, 66 x 58 cm, Utrecht, Museum Het Catharijneconvent, Inv. Nr. ABM. s. 31

Cologne Master around 14170/80

Angelis lifting the Body of St Catherine to Mount Sinai, ca. 1470 – 1480

67.6 x 60.9 cm
Physical Description
Mixed media on canvas, lined
Inventory Number
SG 446
Acquired in 1928
Not on display

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