A Woman and a Girl at a Window, Johann Andreas Herrlein
Johann Andreas Herrlein
A Woman and a Girl at a Window
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Johann Andreas Herrlein

A Woman and a Girl at a Window, ca. 1770 – 1780

24.5 x 21 x 0.7 cm
Physical Description
Oil on oak wood, reverse original
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1942 as a bequest from Emilie Ditmar
Not on display


About the Acquisition

Emilie Ditmar (1856−1942) had already named the Städel as the heir to her collection of mainly 18th and early 19th century paintings in her will in 1907. In addition, she stipulated that objects from her possession or their proceeds would be bequeathed to the Verein der katholischen Schwestern in the Langestraße if her appointed heirs did not claim them. The city honoured her and her charitable family by naming a street in Frankfurt-Bockenheim.

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