Städel Museum
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Städel Museum
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Thomas (apostle)
Biblical person, Apostle, Disciple (male), Martyr (male) and Saint
Works displaying Thomas (apostle)
Meo da Siena; and workshop
Altar retable painted on both sides with Christ Enthroned, the Twelve Apostles and Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Stefan Lochner
Martyrdom of St Thomas
Dutch Master around 1510, after Rogier van der Weyden
Nativity and Naming of St. John the Baptist
Dutch Master around 1510, after Rogier van der Weyden
St. John Altarpiece (after Rogier van der Weyden)
Stefan Lochner
Two altarpiece wings with the Martyrdom of the Apostles
Master of Grossgmain
Virgin and Child and a Donor Presented by Saint Thomas
Italian, 17th century
Christ and Thomas
Fra Bartolommeo; ?
Christi Himmelfahrt, unten Maria mit den Jüngern
Bernardino Poccetti
Das Martyrium des Apostels Thomas
Pellegrino Tibaldi
Der Heilige Thomas erhält den Gürtel der Muttergottes
Johann Anton Ramboux
Der ungläubige Thomas, nach einem Wandgemälde in San Lorenzo fuori le mura bei Rom
French, 18th century
Die Bekehrung des ungläubigen Thomas
Netherlandish, 17th century
Die Heiligen Petrus und Thomas
Johann Anton Ramboux, after Andrea Mantegna
Jesus Christus mit dem Heiligen Thomas und einem heiligen Bischof, oben fünf männliche Köpfe, nach einem Fresko von Andrea Mantegna in der Chiesa degli Eremitani in Padua
Edward von Steinle
Jesus und die zwölf Apostel: "Wenn Ihr nicht so werdet wie dieses Kleine..."
Upper German, 15th century
Kalenderblatt mit vierzig Feldern
Daniel Lindtmayer d. J.
Scheibenriss mit Christus und dem ungläubigen Thomas
Netherlandish, 17th century; ?
The footwashing
Italian, 16th century, after Raphael
The unbelieving Thomas
The unbelieving Thomas
Filippo Bellini; attributed, Agostino Carracci; ?
The Virgin presenting the rosary to St Dominic
Fratelli D'Alessandri, Antonio D'Alessandri, Paolo Francesco D'Alessandri
Rome: St Peter's Basilica
Master of the Winkler Epitaph
The Martyrdom of St Thomas
Groups and institutions Thomas (apostle) belongs to
Twelve Apostles
Group of people
Works associated with Thomas (apostle)
Meo da Siena; and workshop
Altar retable painted on both sides with Christ Enthroned, the Twelve Apostles and Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Dutch Master around 1510, after Rogier van der Weyden
Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Dutch Master around 1510, after Rogier van der Weyden
St. John Altarpiece (after Rogier van der Weyden)
Adam Elsheimer
The Altarpiece of the Holy Cross
Adam Elsheimer
The Frankfurt Altarpiece of the Exaltation of the True Cross: The Testing of the Cross (middle right)