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Jonathan Meese

Painter, installation artist (male), performance artist (male), sculptor (male), video artist (male) and set designer (male)

1970 in Tokyo

3 Works by Jonathan Meese

Works displaying Jonathan Meese


  • Kunst nach 1945: Jonathan Meese
    In unserer Filmreihe stellen wir regelmäßig Werke aus der Sammlung „Kunst nach 1945" im Städel Museum vor. Im aktuellsten Film fordert Jonathan Meese einen Paradigmenwechsel und ruft die Diktatur der Kunst aus. Seine revolutionären Ideen demonstriert der Künstler anhand seiner Arbeiten „UWE BOHM URKINSKI" und „DER ANTINOSTALGISCHE KNÜPPEL AUSM SACK (Die DIKTATUR der Kunst tickt)", aus der Sammlung des Städel Museums.


Jonathan Meese was born in Tokyo in 1970. In 1993 he studied under Franz Erhard Walter at Hamburg’s art academy, the Hochschule für bildende Künste. Even as a student he began covering the atelier walls with his works and taking part in performances. He had his first solo exhibition in 1997 at the Kunstverein Kehdingen. He broke off his studies in 1998. The exhibition of his controversial installation Ahoi de Angst at the 1st Berlin Biennale in 1998 led to his breakthrough. His performances, collages, paintings, photographs, videos, sculptures and installations were henceforth shown in numerous national and international solo and group exhibitions. In 2004 he designed the sets for Frank Castorf’s staging of Pitigrilli’s Cocaïne at the Berlin Volksbühne. That was the start of an increasing commitment to the theatre. In 2006 Meese formulated his goal of a “dictatorship of art”, which he then further developed and promoted. Meese lives and works in Berlin and Hamburg.

Persons connected to Jonathan Meese