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Anthonie de Lorme

Painter, Architecture painter and Draughtsman

ca. 1600 / 1605 in Tournai
1673 in Rotterdam

One Work by Anthonie de Lorme


Anthonie de Lorme's birthdate is unrecorded. Based on a document from 11 October 1627, in which he is named as a witness for the painter Jan van der Vucht, one can posit a birthdate around 1600/1605 or 1610. Jan van der Vucht specialised in church interiors, and was presumably De Lorme's teacher. The younger man is identified in the Rotterdam marriage register on 26 May 1647 as a bachelor from "Doornijck", apparently his birthplace. He married Maertje Floris van der Werf, who operated a fabric business. De Lorme himself sold paintings and painting supplies. The painter died in 1673 in Rotterdam; the death register for the week of 18 to 25 June 1673 lists him as a widower. His wife had died a year and a half before. On his death De Lorme left considerable debts, which could not be settled by the sale of his possessions or his house in the Goudse Wagenstraat.

Like his presumed teacher Jan van der Vucht, De Lorme specialised in church interiors. He painted interior views of Rotterdam's St Laurenskerk with particular frequency.