Untitled (Production of frozen
Egg), Karl Theodor Gremmler
Karl Theodor Gremmler
Untitled (Production of frozen Egg)
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Karl Theodor Gremmler

Untitled (Production of frozen Egg), ca. 1940

24 x 18.2 cm
Physical Description
Silver Gelatin Print on paper
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2019 with funds from the Werner Wirthle bequest
Not on display


About the Work

Karl Theodor Gremmler belonged to the generation that embarked on their careers after the National Socialist

accession to power. He specialized in photos of industrial food production. His customers included the biscuit manufacturer Bahlsen, “Kaffee HAG”, and above all the Hochseefischerei- Gesellschaft Hamburg, Andersen & Co. K. G. Gremmler photographed the products’ entire process chain from the harvest or catch to the packaging. The photo book Men at the Net, published in 1939 on his own initiative, is a detailed portrayal of navigation and fishing. With the aid of harsh shadows, oblique perspectives, and views from below, his scenes of workers in heroic poses were meant to convey the progressiveness of the German food industry. The design principles served the purposes of Nazi propaganda, which generously sponsored advertising measures of this kind.

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