Study for the figure of Martha in "the Raising of Lazarus", Sebastiano del Piombo
Sebastiano del Piombo
Study for the figure of Martha in "the Raising of Lazarus"
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Sebastiano del Piombo: Auferweckung des Lazarus, ca. 1517-1519, Öl auf Leinwand (vom Holz übertragen), 381 x 289,6 cm. Inv. Nr. NG1, London, National Gallery

Sebastiano del Piombo

Study for the figure of Martha in "the Raising of Lazarus", ca. 1517 – 1519

282 x 228 mm
Physical Description
Black pen, black ink and leadpoint (at the bottom edge of the shawl), highlighted with white, on blue paper, distance of chain lines (vertical) |25|25|46|47|25|
Inventory Number
Object Number
399 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

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