Haarlem Sea, Jan van Goyen
Jan van Goyen
Haarlem Sea
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Jan van Goyen

Haarlem Sea, 1656

40.5 x 55.5 x min. 0.6 cm
maximum depth
0.8 cm
Physical Description
Oil on oak
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1870
Not on display


About the Work

The native landscape was the most popular pictorial theme in seventeenth-century Holland. The Netherlands had become an independent economic world power, and its self-confident citizens and merchants wanted motifs that had not been adopted from Italian painting. Van Goyen complied ‒ more than 1,200 times. In addition to their rapid and superb execution, his works were also affordably priced. The landscapes are dramatically staged. Owing to the high demand, the artist had no trouble selling them. They did not make him rich, though; he worked as an auctioneer, speculated in tulip bulbs and dealt in real estate. Incidentally, if we were to stand on the same spot today, we would be looking at Schiphol Airport.

Audio & Video

  • Basic information
  • Focus on cultural history
Gastkommentar: Kunst und Wissenschaft mit Präsident der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Martin Stratmann
Was sieht der Präsident der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in den Werken der Städel Sammlung? In diesem Gastkommentar eröffnet Martin Stratmann seine individuelle Sichtweise auf die Kunstwerke im Städel Museum. Er schaut sich Johann Franciscus Ermels "Landschaft bei abziehendem Gewitter (ca. 1660 - 1670) an und Jan van Goyens "Das Haarlemer Meer" (1656). Mehr Infos unter: https://www.staedelmuseum.de/de/angebote/gastkommentar Die Werke in unserer Digitalen Sammlung Johann Franciscus Ermels, Landschaft bei abziehendem Gewitter (ca. 1660 - 1670): https://sammlung.staedelmuseum.de/de/werk/landschaft-bei-abziehendem-gewitter Jan van Goyen, Das Haarlemer Meer (1656): https://sammlung.staedelmuseum.de/de/werk/das-haarlemer-meer

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