Cephalus Grieves for Procris, Giulio Romano
Giulio Romano
Cephalus Grieves for Procris
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  • Cephalus Grieves for Procris, Giulio Romano
  • Cephalus Grieves for Procris, Giulio Romano
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Flämisch nach Giulio Romano: Cephalus trauert um Procris, ca. 1535 (?), Webteppich. Standort unbekannt

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Unbekannt nach Giulio Romano: La Mort de Procris, Feder in Braun, braun laviert, mit schwarzem Stift übergangen, weiß gehöht, auf beigem Papier, 359 x 541 mm. Inv. Nr. 3663, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Cabinet des dessins, Paris

Giulio Romano

Cephalus Grieves for Procris, ca. 1530

326 x 563 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink over black pen, brown washes, highlighted with white (partly oxidised), on brown-tinted ribbed paper
Inventory Number
Object Number
4336 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

Ovid tells of Cephalus, the enthusiastic hunter who spent so much time in the forest that one day his jealous wife Procris came after him. He saw the bush move, hurled his lance at the supposed game and killed his beloved wife. The drawing shows the mourning of Cephalus, in which the mythical creatures of the forest, the satyrs and nymphs, participate. It looks like a relief, a stylistic device that the artist has adopted from antique sarcophagus sculptures.

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