Blumengebinde mit rosa Nelke (Dianthus), blauer Winde (Convolvulus) und weißem Jasmin (Jasminum), mit rotschwarz getreiftem Käfer, Libelle und Fliege, Barbara Regina Dietzsch;  circle; attributed
Barbara Regina Dietzsch
Blumengebinde mit rosa Nelke (Dianthus), blauer Winde (Convolvulus) und weißem Jasmin (Jasminum), mit rotschwarz getreiftem Käfer, Libelle und Fliege
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Barbara Regina Dietzsch circle; attributed

Blumengebinde mit rosa Nelke (Dianthus), blauer Winde (Convolvulus) und weißem Jasmin (Jasminum), mit rotschwarz getreiftem Käfer, Libelle und Fliege

289 x 202 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
1391 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

In a great many cases, the works by Barbara Regina Dietzsch’s (cf. Obj. No. 1394 Z) followers defy specific attribution. The sprays of flowers obj. nos. 1391 Z, 1392 Z, 1395 Z, 1398 Z, 1399 Z, 5468 Z und 5469 Z were listed under the name Dietzsch from around 1800 onward, but are neither her work nor that of anyone in her family circle. Rather, their authors are unknown imitators.

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