Arcadian Landscape with Palace Architecture, Isaac de Moucheron
Isaac de Moucheron
Arcadian Landscape with Palace Architecture
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  • Arcadian Landscape with Palace Architecture, Isaac de Moucheron
  • Arcadian Landscape with Palace Architecture, Isaac de Moucheron
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Issac de Moucheron: Arkadische Landschaft mit Palastarchitektur, Feder und Pinsel in Grau und Braun, 305 x 225 mm. Kulturgeschichtliches Museum Osnabrück

Isaac de Moucheron

Arcadian Landscape with Palace Architecture, ca. 1730 – ca. 1740

292 x 213 mm
Physical Description
Watercolour and pen and grey and brown ink, over black chalk or charcoal
Inventory Number
Object Number
6899 Z
Acquired in 1888
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

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