Städel Museum
About the digital collection
Städel Museum
Lovis Corinth
Am Walchensee
Philipp Veit
The Arts Being Introduced to Germany by Christianity
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Aus Rastede
Erich Heckel
Badende an der Alster
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Dangast Dorf
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Die Einhardsbasilika in Michelstadt-Steinbach von Osten
German, 19th century
Die Salzburg in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Unknown, 20th century
Documentary photograph: Print of "Das illustrierte Blatt"…
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Elbchaussee bei Hamburg
Forest in Winter (Grunewald…
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Four Figures on the Fehmarn Beach
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Alte Gasse and Bleichstraße
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The ancestral House Limpurg on the Römerberg…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Bank of the Main at the old slaughterhouse and approach to the Old Bridge
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Bleidenstrasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Church of St Catherine…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Cronstettisches Stift garden…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Cronstettisches Stift garden…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Emperorʼs Stairs at Cronstettisches Stift
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Entrance to the Cronstettisches Stift from the courtyard…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Entrance to the Cronstettisches Stift from the garden and stairway to the side wing…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Fountain of Justice on Römerberg square
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Fountain of Justice on Römerberg square
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Garden side of the Geisow Boys’ Institute in Hochstrasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Grosse Eschenheimer Gasse
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: The Gutenberg Monument by Eduard Schmidt von der Launitz on the southern Rossmarkt Square
Carl Friedrich Mylius; attributed
Frankfurt am Main: The Heller Crucifix at the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Heller Crucifix outside the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Heller Crucifix outside the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Heller Crucifix outside the cathedral…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: At the House to the King of England…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Library room at the Cronstettisches Stift with court Counsellor Dr. Sömmering and Provost von Lersner…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Mainzer Landstrasse…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Neue Kräme
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Outdoor staircase…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Petershaus in Stiftstrasse…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Petershaus in Stiftstrassee…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Prisoners of war
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Reminder of the Cronstettisches Stift before the structural alterations of 1864
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Ruins of the Ulrichstein at the Schaumainthor Gate in Sachsenhausen
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Side portal of House Limpurg from Inside
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Staircase of the house Alt-Limpurg in the inner courtyard of the Römer
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Tomb of Günther von Schwarzburg
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Tomb of Günther von Schwarzburg in the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Tomb of Günther von Schwarzburg in the cathedral
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Under the Katharinenpforte
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: View of the Cronstettisches Stift from the garden…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: View of the Cronstettisches Stift from the garden…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: View of the Cronstettisches Stift from the south…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Frankfurt am Main: Zeil…
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Gelnhausen: Imperial Palace
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Gelnhausen: Imperial Palace, fireplace
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Gelnhausen: Imperial Palace, south portal
Carl Friedrich Mylius
Gelnhausen: Imperial Palace with a view of the Church of St Mary
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Hafen Teufelsbrücke
Emil Nolde
Hamburg, Binnenhafen
Emil Nolde
Hamburg, Landungsbrücke
Emil Nolde
Hamburg, Milde Stimmung
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Hohwachter Bucht im Mondschein
Emil Nolde
Wassily Kandinsky
Kallmünz—Light-Green Mountains
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Kirche St. Gereon in Köln II
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Landschaft aus Sehlendorf
Käthe Kollwitz
March Cemetery
Emil Nolde
Paulikirche in Soest
Emil Nolde
Petri- und Jacobikirche, Hamburg
Emil Nolde
Petri- und Patrocli-Turm in Soest
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Stralsunder Türme
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Tree Lined Road
Karl Theodor Gremmler
Untitled (Breaking and Inspecting Eggs…
Domenico Quaglio the Younger
View of Frankfurt/Main
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Villmar castle
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Villmar castle
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Villmar castle
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Villmar castle
Carl Theodor Reiffenstein
Villmar castle
Werner Tübke
Werner Tübke
Zu „Tod in der Iller“