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Fra Bartolommeo

Painter, Dominican (male) and monk

1473 in Florence
1517 in Florence

7 Works by Fra Bartolommeo

2 Works based on Fra Bartolommeo

Works displaying Fra Bartolommeo


Bartolommeo di Paolo di Jacopo, called Fra Bartolommeo (born in Florence in 1472 or 1473; died in Florence in 1517), worked in Florence from roughly 1490 in a repeatedly interrupted atelier partnership with Mariotto Albertinelli, and became an adherent of Savonarola (executed in 1498). In July 1500 he entered the Dominican Order. In 1508 he travelled to Venice, and in 1513 or 1514 to Rome. He painted for Florentine families (the Medici), as well as patrons from elsewhere, mainly well-balanced Madonnas and altarpieces.

Persons connected to Fra Bartolommeo

Groups and institutions Fra Bartolommeo belongs to

Works associated with Fra Bartolommeo